13 Jan The Moonhanger Group announces a ceremony to dedicate their new mural to Mama Louise in downtown Macon
MACON, GA – Local restauranteurs, The Moonhanger Group, are excited to announce the unveiling and dedication of a new mural at H&H Soul Food on Friday, February 11, 4 pm. The mural and dedication ceremony will pay special tribute to local legend, and Harriet Tubman Act of Courage recipient, Mama Louise Hudson, as well as her longtime business partner, the late Mama Inez Hill.
The H&H has been a local institution in Macon for decades thanks in no small part to the larger-than-life presence and personality of Mama Louise. For decades, her infectious spirit and signature comfort classics have helped keep the downtown area of Macon, Georgia on the map.
The dedication fittingly takes place on the same day as the Allman Revival concert, which was originally scheduled to take place on New Year’s Eve. Mama Louise is as known for her affiliation with The Allman Brothers Band as she is for her classic takes on soul food. Famously, in 1969, Mama Louise welcomed the Allman Brothers into her restaurant and forged a bond that would last more than four decades. She made sure the Allman Brothers, and countless other artists, were nourished in body and spirit before heading out on the road. Many times they had no money but would make sure to pay their tab when coming back to Macon after a tour.
“We knew we wanted to pay tribute to Mama Louise in a way that would reflect her warm and welcoming personality, “ said Wes Griffith. “H&H has always been Mama’s kitchen, and now a new generation of people can get to know her and experience her influence on the downtown community through this artwork.”
Muralist Steven Teller (Steven Teller Arts) jumped at the chance to portray the local hero. “Mama Louise helped to harbor the creativity of some of the most influential musicians that came out of Macon. Her love and generosity nourished the heart and souls of so many and this mural is a dedication to her truly amazing legacy. As Gregg Allman had said so many times, without her, the Allman Brothers Band may have never made it. I hope that this mural continues to tell the story of Mama Louise’s unending generosity and that it inspires them to be a little more like Mama,” said Teller.
The family of Louise is thrilled to see her face beaming out across the square. “It’s so fitting seeing her displayed like this,” said daughter Lucy O’neil. “Now everyone can see her warmth and generosity and know what she did for this town and this community.” The mural also features Mama Louise’s longtime partner, the late Mama Inez Hill, a depiction of the Allman Brothers Band eating inside H&H, and a rendering of Duane Allman playing his famous gold top Les Paul guitar.
H&H, the home of the mural, was already a pilgrimage spot for fans of the Allman Brothers Band. “With the new mural, we hope even more tourists visit H&H and downtown Macon.
There is so much music history to be celebrated here in Macon…we hope this mural joins the Big House Museum, Capricorn Sound Studios, Grant’s Lounge, The Otis Redding Foundation, and many other great landmarks and institutions, as a must-see for music enthusiasts around the world,” says Moonhanger President Wes Griffith.
The event is open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend.
Where: H&H
What: Mural dedication and Press Release
When: Feb 11, 4 PM
Why: formally unveil the mural, highlight Steven Teller’s contribution, dedicate to Mama Louise and Mama Hill
Other Happenings:
Allman Family Revival Concert – Macon City Auditorium, 8pm
H&H open late until 6pm on 2/11 and 9am – 3pm on 2/12.
Big House Museum Hours: 2/11 and 2/12 11am-6pm
Capricorn Museum Hours: 2/11 and 2/12 10am – 8pm
Grant’s Lounge – Allman Revival After party 10 pm until